Meet Tabaliah

Kazmaier's Tabaliah The Gatekeeper ~ Click on her name here for her impressive Pedigree back to the 1800's. Tabaliah has more Schutzhund TITLED dogs in her pedigree than you can shake a Schutzhund Arm Shield at!
Tabaliah's name also comes from the Holy Bible, I Chronicles 26:11. The Tabaliah she is named after was listed in the Bible as a Gatekeeper.
At this time we are Training and Socializing Tabaliah. She is growing and learning well. The photo shows her ears have finally gone up well and she is happy to be out and about seeing 'the peeps' that love to pet she and Tychicus and make a big fuss over them. The employees know them well in Runnings, a Farm Store in Belle Fourche, that the pups visit weekly....sometimes several times a week.
PLEASE NOTE: Tabaliah's color is called "Bi-Colored". This coloring on GSD used to be known as "Almost Black". Tabaliah's sire is also, Bi-Colored, and her Dam is Black. You can see in the photos of Tabaliah's Dam, she is BLACK, no gray, or brown, or white! BLACK. Tabaliah carries the Black Gene.
Tabaliah's Parents and Pedigree

We bought Tabaliah when she was only 3 weeks old. Put a deposit down that is. She has a GREAT Pedigree, click on her name above, and the photos of her parents ARE LOVELY! Her breeders in FL tell me they compete at Schutzhund. We hope and pray that Tabaliah will grow to be this nice and have the willing spirit that competing Schutzhund dogs have within them.
Scroll Down to see Tabaliah Doing Tricks, Backpacking, in Harness and more....
Growth photos of Tabaliah. We took Tabaliah's 'baby photos' by the bicycle wheel, we are planning for Tabaliah to be my "bicycling buddy', the dog that goes with me when I ride my bicycle. See our page for Bicycle Springer for safe ways to take your dog with you when you ride your bicycle.
Normally we try to take a photo of our puppies each week, they grow so quickly and change so much in a weeks time! Tabaliah's first Winter in SD, however, was very HARSH, and on some weeks we just did not get her photos, so I added a few, just to fill and so that you could see her growth.
We tried to add enough photos so that you could see her grow through the puppy times. We have also added photos of her as an adult. She is a big girl, very dark, very black where black, and I think, and love, intimidating looking. Tabaliah is our tallest GSD.

Deron and I have had dogs for many many years. We always start training our dogs as soon as we can put hands on them, that is, when they are old enough, if bred here, or as soon as we bring a new pup/dog home.
Tabaliah, we plan, for her to do many jobs. So with her foundation training, then Trick Training, and build from there. Below are some areas of learning for her. It will be updated, we plan, throughout her life with us. We hope to add many photos through the years, and with different events. Please check back often....and scroll down to see....
Even as a pup, Tabaliah knows many tricks, tasks, words and hand cues.
This photo was taken shortly after she arrived her from FL. It might not look like training, but it really is. Not only did the coats keep Tabaliah warm, it taught her to wear items, to let our hands be all over her body, to leave things alone that we put on her...and that worked. When she wore a harness and a backpack for the first time, no big deal.
Bicycle Buddy Training Begins!

On Jan 1, 2017, Tabaliah and I braved the cold and wind and took a short walk/very short ride, with the FATTY Bicycle. I took a lot of treats with us and she LOVED it. She did really well. She stayed back from the tires, but close as we went. Thank God and Bless Deron's Heart! He came out and got a few photos of our first day training....

The year started off well with getting out and working with Tabaliah and the Bicycle, and it continues. Deron put in a 'track' out here in the snow, that is plowed a 1/4 mile circle. Tablaiah LOVES to go to the horse trailer with me and get the bicycle out and 'do the track'. We of course stop often for her treats and to remind her of where she is suppose to be, near the bicycle.

The key to training a Working Dog (or any dog for any job) is consistency in training. Even when the weather is not so nice, when you would rather sit on the couch with a blanket and popcorn and watch a good movie, get out and enjoy your dogs!
This is Tabaliah and I out on Jan 20, 2017 when it was Cold, with Slick Snow and Mud. It was a very wiiiiindy day.
She is learning well and is a very clever little thing! She remembers just how and where to be to get those 'kudos cookies', 'Gooood Girl, Tablaiah, Goooood Girl!'.
Puppies are only puppies for a short time. I will admit, while I am not getting out there as often as I should, we are getting out there often. Tick Tock.

Tabaliah started wearing the Goat Bell on Feb. 3, 2017. The bell is not just to tell where she is as I ride on the Prairie with her running free, it is so that I can tell her gait. I will want her to be in the GSD Flying Trot as we go. Not only can GSD go further in the Flying Trot than when running, it is far better for their joints and bodies.

Feb 4th 2017 Tabaliah wore a Sled Dog Harness for the first time. Why? Just to get her used to the feel of it. Later I will hook her to the Springer Bicycle Attachment with the Harness. While it is big on her, she did wonderful wearing it. After about 10 seconds wearing it, she acted like she had always worn if it were not there.
Photo with Deron is of Tabaliah the first time she used her Bicycle Attachment in Rapid City, SD, 2017-02-14...she did wonderful with it.

I made Tabaliah this BRIGHT colored harness (2017-02) for a few reasons...mostly I LIKE the BIGHT Colors.
Deron and I are all about Safety as we ride our bicycles. We want drivers to be able to SEE us as we ride, and NOT hit us with their vehicles. We wanted Tabaliah to be BRIGHTLY seen too...and match the colors we wear as we ride.
Also, after Tabaliah learns to stay next to the Bicycle, we will hook the Bicycle Attachment to the Harness, with the dog leash on her collar, this will keep her from hurting her neck/throat should she try to pull as we ride.

Tabaliah went Fossil Hunting with us on 2017-05-26. This was a longer trip for her and she did great. She ran 5 miles, but with a lot of rest stops, and of course she got a long rest as we dug, here and there and here and there.

We had a lot of fun and are very proud of how well Tabaliah did on this adventure.
Trick Training Tababliah!
Tabaliah is learning some Tricks too! She knows many many words, commands and cues, so we thought some Trick Training would be good for her and fun! I thought it would be fun to list her tricks here. I learned many many years ago to write down each trick each dog knows...that way, THE HUMAN does not make the mistake of asking for a trick the dog does not know. I keep a list in a very old Trick Training Book. Dogs from the 1970's I owned are listed in there for their tricks too. It is fun to look back and remember each of the dogs I have trained and what they knew.
Please Note: I have a page dedicated, on this site as well as our other Dog Websites, set up for Tricks. It has information, ideas, photos, and how to train...

"Shake Hands"
Tabaliah knows how to "Shake Hands". When she was first learning....she would give you one paw, and then quickly the other one too. You can not fault, <grins> a puppy's enthusiasm to 'get that cookie'.

"High Five"
Tabaliah kinda just starting doing this one on her own. Funny thing. When I was giving her the "wait" or "stay" hand cue, close to her, when she was young, she would give me a "High Five". We think that is pretty clever and cute. Now. She does the "High Five" on cue.
The "Wave" is kind of a "High Five" but at a short distance. As the dog learns, you move your hand like more of a Wave, then just flat like a "High Five".
"Play Patty Cake"
This, after learning to 'High Five', then learning to 'Play Piano', was easy for Tabaliah. Patty Cake is when the dog sits in front of you, facing you, and follows your hand movement in a 'High Five' fashion. First, one foot then the other, then the first again, then the other, then both front feet touching the person's hands at the same time.

"Fetch" ~ "Get It"
It's not a bad idea to teach both of these commands for the same task. We teach our dogs both cues when they are first learning. The truth is:
"Fetch" To go and get something that was just thrown.
"Get It" or "Go Get" To go and get an object that is laying on the ground, or somewhere where the dog is sent for it.
In the early stages, use both commands together. Later use the correct command and you might be surprised how easily the dog gets to know which you are asking for it to do.

"Take It" ~ "Hooooold" ~ "Release"
I linked these three together, cause, they go together. This is when you hand the dog something and tell them to "Take It"...the dog takes it into it's mouth. The person/trainer says, "Hold" and the dog holds the item in it's mouth til it is told to, "Release" the item, when the cue/command is given to the dog, the dog let's loose of the item in it's mouth.
This is a photo of Tabaliah on 2-10-2017. She does not hold items very long, at this time, but she "holds" them pretty well for just learning the task.
We used a Frisbie for several reasons. She had to learn to "Take It", "Hold It" and "Release", for later tricks and training with a Dog Disc. This one is soft and fabric, perfect for her young mouth and early training.

"Go Get (Fetch) The Newspaper" (from driveway)
We live waaaaaay out of town. Our closest neighbor is 9 miles from us. So we don't have the Newspaper Delivered. We take a Newspaper out and set it, tape it closed (to start) and go set it in our own Driveway to teach and tune this trick.
You can see in the photo that the Newspaper is taped with duct tape closed and wet from the weather.....but WOW! Tabaliah is learning. She will now 'Go Get The Newspaper'. Photo taken 2-10-2017.

"Go Get My Shoes"
This is not a trick we normally teach our dogs. Why? It can be, for some dogs, and a person could not know what dogs until they know, this trick can be a license to chew their owners shoes.
Tabaliah however, LOVES CROCS! She LOVES our shoes and boots. Not to chew, but to carry to a spot and use them as a pillow...cause she loves us.
Since Tabaliah was bred and born in FL, we think it is especially cute she love our CROCS (shoes) and her little Alligator Squeaky Toy!
So since she takes our shoes, I decided she should learn to bring our shoes to us too.
This took two people to teach this, but now only one of us can 'send her for shoes'. When we frist started, after Tabaliah has taken a shoe or shoes, she likes pairs, one of us stands by the shoes, the other waits for them not too far away. The one near the shoes has her pick them up, "Take It", or "Get It". The other, waiting for the shoes, says, "Tabaliah, Fetch My Shoe". It is not an easy trick to teach, but at 17 weeks old, she is learning it pretty well.
Tabaliah brings us our shoes without us asking. When Deron comes in after feeding the animals in the evening. When I get up in the morning. If we have been to town and are changing from our town shoes.
AMAZINGLY. SHE ALWAYS TAKES DERON'S SHOES TO DERON. AND BRINGS ME MY SHOES. We did not teach her this, she self taught. Teaching dog to Discern between objects and items can and usually does, take a lot of training and time.
Tabaliah The Housekeeper!
I might not be the best housekeeper.....but I did teach my children.....and evidently be.
Tamar, our first GSD, would pick up the dirty clothes and placing them on top of the pile of dirty clothes that we placed in the hallway that I would 'carry in' to the laundry room the next morning. I never taught her to do that, she just watched us and did it.
Tabaliah has done that too! I was really proud of her when she did. Not taught, just knew where Deron's dirty socks should be. I gave a nod to Tamar when we saw Tabaliah do that.
One night, when Tabaliah was 6 months old, we were watching TV, shoes kicked off, and Tabaliah carried our shoes away, one by one, into where they go in the bedroom. She put them away. <laughs> AND! When we asked for them back, she went and got them for us...... We were amazed! And. Proud!
We did notice, a few days before she put our shoes away for us, that Deron's shoes, that were set by the door when he put his Farm Boots on, were back under his desk when we came back in (where he usually has/puts them when he puts his boots on).....I thought that was pretty smart.
So what is it????? My dogs are just so smart!? Or I am such a bad housekeeper that the dogs have to do the work themselves!!!!!?????
It does make me feel like Cinderella with the birds and mice and such! <winks and laughs>

This is when a person throws food and the dog/pet catches it in it's mouth.
Tabablish is learning this one well, and will one day be a 'shark' at this...Tabaliah LOVES this trick, and Popcorn, she loves to catch the popcorn! But. Chicken In A Bisket Crackers....her favorite!
After a dog learns to Catch food, then you can move on to (gently) throwing them (soft) balls, frisbies and or dog toys. When they learn to Catch a Frisbie, you can then easily teach them to do a Back Flip. Back Flips are not recommended for pups.
An amazing thing happened on Tabaliah's 4 month old Birthday....2/7/17...On the 3rd day I played Frisbie with her, Fetch, just Fetch, I threw the Frisbie to her as I had her sit in front of me....SHE CAUGHT IT FOUR TIMES IN A ROW! As well as a few more times! YES! THIS IS A BIG DEAL!
Photo of Tabaliah 2-10-2017 (we had a little 'photo section'...time ticks and we tend to forget to TAKE THOSE PHOTOS! Tabaliah is taking to this trick pretty well. Photo taken 2-10-2017, and on that day, she caught it each time it was lightly tossed to her.

"Give Me A Kiss"
If your dog does NOT want to lick your face/"Give Me A Kiss"...something is wrong. And it is not hard to teach this on command. Just ask your dog to "Give Me A Kiss" and lean over to put your face near theirs...
"Wearing Clothes, Hats, and More"
Tabaliah started wearing items as soon as she arrived. Not just Hat and Scarf (see top photo) for the Christmas Photo, but coats to stay warm. This taught Tabaliah to leave items on and alone that we put on her. The first time she wore a Harness and her Backpack, no big deal. And she stood still to get them put on her body too.

A very dear friend of mine, in TN, Hand Crafted/Felted these Pink Bunny Ears for a Trick that we are setting up for our dogs to learn at the same time. 'Wearing Bunny Ears Holding A Basket In Their Mouths Trick'.
My Friend and I have been lazed on Training our Dogs, so we are working together to correct that. We have set up, "Trick Offs", that is, an Internet Challenge with one another to train our dogs, each, to do the same trick at the same time, sending photos back and forth.
I LOVE THESE BUNNY EARS ON TABALIAH! Nichole, my friend in TN, does offer custom orders on her website at


"Find My Keys"
"Find My Keys", as well as all the other tricks listed above this one, are all from the foundation trick of "Fetch".
In 1989 I started teaching dogs I owned to "Find It", about different items. Most did not want to carry metal I came up with the Wooden Dowel Key Chain idea. I cut a 3/4" Wooden Dowel about 4" long (to start, making it shorter as the trick was mastered), put a hole in the dowel sideways (through the round), ran a short piece of paracord with keys on it into the hole, and tied a very tight knot. Problem Solved. And while on the How To: I go into Hardware Stores and ask for Keys that have been returned....they give them to me FREE.
After teaching your dog to "Fetch" the keys on this keychain, teach it to "Get It", then start moving toward items in the room where the keys can not be seen as easily. Move then outdoors and try the trick in the grass...
This is really easy for the dog, once learned. The wooden dowel is not only easy to carry, it gathers particles and smells to the dog.
Impress your friends and family with this one....and if you ever lose your real keys...
"Back Up":
At our house, BACK UP is not only easy to teach, it is essential! To teach "Back Up", a person usually takes their dog to a hallway and stands in front of their dog. Give the "Back Up" command/cue and walk toward the dog. At first some keep their dogs on leashes, gently giving cues with it as they work with the dog. The slightest move backwards is rewarded and built on.
Seriously. "Back Up" in our Tiny House, is learned early. And it is funny. I forget this is even considered a 'trick' is just normal here.

"Jump Through The Hoop"
Tabaliah took to this like a fish takes to water! Tabaliah is lively and quick so this trick might even be her favorite trick.
She first learned to Jump Through a full sized Hula Hoop. Then we started using a smaller sized hoop and holding it a little higher than the bigger hoop.
These photos are blurry. But. I learned a long time ago...bad photos are better than no photos.

"Jump Thru A Covered Hoop"
I have taught this trick to not only Dogs, but a Guinea Pig. It is easy to train, if you do it correctly and go easy, and it looks like such a Big Deal that your animal will be seen as a Genius.
Tababliah first learned to Jump Through A Regular Sized Hula Hoop....and she does that with, GUSTO! For pups we keep the Jump low. However, the Hoop gets a bit smaller as they learn.
To teach the "Jump Through Covered Hoop", you first start by teaching the dog to Jump Through A Hoop, then add newspaper to each side of the hoop, equally, and wide set at first. After the dog is jumping through this newspaper, add a bit at the bottom, leaving a 'hole' for the dog to see through. Slowly, ever slowly, add to the inside of the hoop, as you train, until there is only a very small hole. A hole so small your audience will not even notice it.
Photo of Tabaliah 2-20-2017. We took it outdoors for the light, so it would not be so blurry.
"Doggy Push Ups"
This is cute. It is 'sit'/'down', 'sit'/'down', 'sit'/down'. Of course the pup needs to know each, that is 'sit' and 'down' and do them well before you proceed to "Doggy Push Ups".

"Play Piano"
Ok. The truth is she "Bangs!" the Piano! But she does it on command. And plays with both 'hands'.
Teaching this one is, while it looks impressive and like a hard to teach is not. Finding the right sized Piano for a dog, the hardest part. Our good little wooden child's Stand Up Piano, is still in Storage in WI. So the Keyboard is what we use right now. Tabaliah, does not care. In these photos, she is using two different sizes...with ease.

"Say Your Prayers"
This is an advanced trick, for dogs that already know several other tricks and have the idea of how to learn them. I have only had one other dog that I have taught this trick to.
I have a very good friend in TN who owns a very clever Jack Russel Terrier. She and I both used to live in WI, where we met, and we trained Rabbits and Pet Rats together with a group. She has had a lot of titled dogs that also know/knew a lot of tricks. She and I have been a bit laxed with our dog training so we are going to have a "trick off"....that is, train our dogs long distance, the same trick at the same time. The first one we chose is "Say Your Prayers". Her website is: you can have a look at her animals. She also sells Hand Crafted Animal Items. One of her biggest sellers are Handcrafted Pet Urns, many are Custom Crafted.
When teaching your dog to "Say Your Prayers" or "Pray", you first need to decide how you what your dog to do, that is where, this trick. With it's front feet on your arm?, With it's feet on a chair or counter?, Or at the end of the bed?. Remember. If you ONLY teach your dog to do this at the end of a bed, you can't very well show the trick off. However, once the trick is taught you can then teach the dog to do the trick on/in other areas.
First we taught Tabaliah to 'Sit' directly in front of a chair. Not as easy as it sounds. Most dogs, and she was one, want a bit of space between themselves and the chair. Some want to come around the chair to be closer to their humans to get that cookie. Longer Larger dogs, when they move to the chair and sit down, are still not right in front of the chair...also Tabaliah.
Next, we taught Tabaliah, "Paws Up". That is, in a sitting position, to put her front paws up onto the chair and hold, that is 'wait'/'stay'. I waited to move on with the trick until she had those parts of it down pretty....however, I did give her the treat by reaching UP between her front legs and holding it so that her head had to come down even with the seat of the chair.
This was a "Learn In March 2017" Dog Trick. I put two Tricks on the Calendar for her to learn each month....
She learned this one fast and easily......but, she often, at first would forget to bring the Butt maybe learning "Bow" later will come easy for her too.
She also does this one really fast, like fast crawling. A person can not help but smile and often laugh when Tabaliah performs her Tricks with enthusiasm.
Find & Put Easter Eggs Into Basket:
I was so surprised HOW QUICKLY SHE LEARNED THIS TRICK! I held the basket and she retrieved the eggs.....this on the first time doing the trick....and told her to 'drop' the eggs into the basket...Done. First time. However, at first she would try or I should say, what to, carry all the eggs to the basket at the same time.
I am Blessed to have a large Agility Area set up here. Deron has made many, many pieces of Agility Equipment, not only for dogs, but pet rats, guinea pigs, mice, hamsters, horses, cats....and the list goes on.
Agility Training, even if you do not compete or even run a big ole course, is just fun for both the dog and human, and really is bonding.
We have a page here as well as on our other Dog Websites about Dog Agility, including how to make your own equipment and some items you can find and use that will be FREE of charge. Just keep it safe for you and your dog....have fun!
more and photos coming soon
Puppy Jumps
Bar Jump
Alien Jump
Tire Jump
Puppy Tunnel
Open Tunnel
Closed Tunnel
Teeter Totter
Sea Saw
much more and photos to come

As I write this, 2017, or make that, as I start this section, Feb. 6 2017, Tabaliah is far to young to be jumping up for a Frisbie....but NOT too young to learn to Fetch It, Hold It, Get It....and she is learning just that.
To teach a dog to catch a flying frisbie, it is best to teach them first to fetch it, then hold it, then catch it (as you would gently throw it to them, like a food treat trick). This is what Tabaliah is working on as a pup....
Let me also mention that when starting pups, like with Tabaliah, a person should start with a Fabric and or Rope type Frisbie. Also read up on Dog Discs, they are NOT all the same. The cheap hard type for kid's can and do hurt the dog's mouth, and could easily cut the dog's mouth areas or knock their teeth.

I used to, years ago, compete at Dog Frisbie with Labrador Retrievers, one in particular, named Mary, was really good at the Sport. I would LOVE to compete again....but not in this SD wind! Training out here on the prairie is an issue! <shakes head and laughs>
An amazing thing happened on Tabaliah's 4 month old Birthday....2/7/17...On the 3rd day/time I played Frisbie with her, Fetch that is, just Fetch, I threw the Frisbie to her as I had her sit in front of me....SHE CAUGHT IT FOUR TIMES IN A ROW! As well as a few more times! YES! THIS IS A BIG DEAL!

Then on 2-18-2017, she caught a rolling Frisbie! She is ahead with Frisbie Training for her age! I wish I would have taken the photo below a little, just a moment later, as she caught that Roller!

Please visit our Frisbie &/or Disc Dog Page here on this webiste for more information and photos of Tabaliah as she learns and grows into a Frisbie/Disc Dog.

Training will begin very soon with an empty/newspaper filled dog backpack. Check back often to see her photos and read of her adventures. On the day of this photo, 2-10-2017, Tabaliah wore a backpack for a short time, just to learn to wear it. Cute isn't she?

Valentine's Day 2017 we took Tabaliah to Rapid City, SD with us for the day. She went to several stores and to the Park and Bicycle Trail. This is her in her Lime Green Backpack. I love that color on her!
Puppy Training is no more then wearing a Harness as they do things they like to do, like following a bicycle. GSD Pups should not pull anything other than very light weight until they are 10 months old. Your pup can certainly pull your sled back up the hill for you. By a year old, with a good skier they could do a easy trail skijoring. They could also run in a team of three or more with a sled or rig. Light loads can be pulled after 16 months old and after 2 year old, have fun!

You can also see Tabaliah from different angles to see how nicely she is built

We often take our dogs, on leashes for training, for Morning Walks here on our place...about 1 miles. These are just some photos snapped then....I am so proud of these dogs.

This is a photo of Tabaliah leaping up over the snow drift at the front door, into the Blizzard.
I would like to invite you to join us on a Yahoo Group that I host called Working Big Dogs.